This is About You Being Out with a Cold

This is About You Being Out with a Cold

This is not about the Penn Relays, so read on. This is about you being out with a cold. I’m going to bet you that this remedy that I’m going to give to you will get you back on your feet faster. As soon as you feel the onset of symptoms of a cold or allergies, do the following:

[Take a ginger root the size of your thumb, slice into paper thin slices – Slice, slice, slice … Take two radishes and do the same – remember, not dice but slice as in the old days when we sliced baloney. Put all this into a tea pot then add boiling water and steep for a half-hour. Pour a cup, strained of course, for the morning, one for lunch, another before dinner and one before bed. Do this for two days.]

Mrs. Cosby adds honey, but being I’m a man, ahhhhh … I’m tired of seeing your stand-ins. I miss you. – Uncle Bill.